Mogen David peace sign

Upcoming VeJEWtarian Events

There are no events for this calendar.
Please check back later for updates.

Is JUDAISM of true importance to you?
Is VEGETARIANISM of true importance to you?

If you answer yes, yes, yes, then
yes, yes, yes, you are in the right place : )

Being JEWISH is at the heart of who we are,
and being VEGETARIAN is outward manifestation
of our deeply held Jewish values!

If you agree, then you are a VeJEWtarian.

To come together to celebrate Jewish holidays and holy days with totally vegetarian food, then please join
the VeJEWtarian Facebook Facebook Group and like our Facebook Facebook Page

Being Jewish is a matter of our heritage and that is important to us.
Our ancestors did not struggle, suffer, & die to remain JEWISH for us to throw that away.
Others have tried to destroy our people throughout the ages,
but let us not help them.

Neither, in good conscience, can we allow other animals to suffer and die for us.
Thus, being VEGETARIAN is important to us as well.
Others are destroying the lives of other animals, the planet, and their own health,
but let us not help them either.

Let us live actively as JEWS and as VEGETARIANS - as VeJEWtarians !

Also, for great programs for great kids, please check out KidsLA.

Hands holding up blue Earth   Jewish veggies